Department of Haematology

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Dr. Charles E. Origbo (FMCPath)

The departmental activity is more of clinical services rather than laboratory.

We have been able to successfully manage haematological malignancies using conventional chemotherapy, as well as non-malignant haematological disorders.

However, our patients have benefited from routine haematological investigations as well as specialized diagnostic procedure like bone marrow aspiration and biopsy that is done in our departmental laboratory.

  • Departmental weekly activities

  • Haematology outpatient clinic: Twice weekly; Mondays and Fridays 9am
  • Tuesday for clinical ward rounds
  • Wednesday slide review and seminal presentations
  • Thursday for oncology patient review and chemotherapy

Departmental Duty call Rota

Weekly duty call for consultant Haematologist

Dr. (Mrs.) N.M.Dibigbo-Ibeaji

Dr. Charles E. Origbo

Head of Department

Dr. Charles E. Origbo (FMCPath)