Department of Radiology


To provide safe, prompt and high quality diagnostic imaging services by a team of highly professional and dedicated staff to improve the quality of lives of our patients.



 Clinical services





1.        To add value to patient care and our healthcare system using efficient high quality imaging systems

2.       Utilize medical imaging technology in timely, cost effective, safe and caring manner.

3.       To provide patients and referring physicians access to our services using effective communication platforms.

4.       Through our PACS (Picture Archiving and Communicating Systems) Physicians can access patient details and images promptly and make informed treatment decisions.

5.       To create better awareness about the best and most effective imaging options available and reduce the hazards of radiation to patients, referring physicians and general public.

6.       To educate and train basic medical science students, medical interns, residents, follows and allied professionals in the field of imaging by employing didactic lectures, inter-departmental clinical meetings and case reviews sessions.

7.       To provide online platforms and teleradiology, to participate in other faculties clinical meetings and teaching sessions to share knowledge.

8.       To be recognized as a relevant teaching and research department, both locally and internationally.

9.       To create research in medical imaging with a view to adding new medical knowledge and making discoveries to improve clinical practice of Radiology and quality of patient care.

10.   To collaborate with other departments, institutions, national and international organisation in research initiatives.

11.   T o have a robust radiation protection unit to protect patient, staff, general population, for quality evaluation of equipment and dosimetry research.




Main Radiology Complex

Accident and Emergency